Samstag, 6. Dezember 2014

The roles and responsibilities of each citizen in the development

ITIL ®V3 (IT Service Management)
PRINCE2 ® (Projects in Controlled Environments)
Agile Management Innovations
Business Informatics - Diplom-Ingenieur
Informatikmanagement - Mag. rer. soc. oec
Wirtschaftsinformatik - Bakk.rer. soc. oec
Social Science - DEUG

The struggles and upheavals around us and over there (e.g. illegal immigration, Lampedusa migrant crisis, social injustice, children issues, climate change, lack of education, lack of socio cultural infrastructure, terrorism, diseases, corruption, social troubles, financial crisis etc.) are showing that there is a need to create Development Aid Support Mechanism because:
  • ensuring only  that voices of poor and marginalized people can be heard by governments, and that their views are factored into policy decisions;
  •  partnering only  with governments to provide social services, particularly in fragile governance and post-conflict settings;
  •  providing only technical expertise and offering innovative, participatory, and cost-effective solutions to local problems; and
  •  strengthening only  public sector accountability and transparency through increased support for good governance,
  • addressing and resolving only human development challenges at the academic, political, power leader and development aid level,
  • etc., are not enough anymore to reach the sustainable development objectives in each corner of the globe.
The challenge lies in how to meet the roles and responsibilities of each citizen in the sustainable development processes.  There is a real need to support citizens to know, understand and to play their roles and responsibilities to support development objectives.  In sustainable development everyone is stakeholder.
We have reached a sustainable development era where there is need of local citizens to understand, know and play effectively their roles and responsibilities to support the improvement of the results of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that address the challenges of economic development, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and good governance.

Only together we can make a serious support/contribution to development objectives

The new development mechanism process requires a suitable social mechanism support worldwide to connect a global audience to necessary resources while providing a central global support system to make development issues and best practices available to all, and to translate the available goals, data, information and knowledge into sustainable local best practices.
The local citizens need to play the motor role in this new development mechanism process by reporting of the economic, social and environmental problems they are facing each day via a central coordinated database so that development engagements, interventions and resources must be efficiency targeted and focused.

A coordinated central database that tracks  on development issues, challenges, frustrations and development best practices that contribute to  the support and improvement of the results of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that address the challenges of economic development, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and good governance etc..
The ONG KFDWB has assigned the role and responsibility to put into place the project Development Aid Support Mechanism to encourage local citizens worldwide to contribute to the support and improvement of the results of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that address the challenges of economic development, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and good governance.

Through the engagement of local citizens, the Development Aid Support Mechanism´s project aims to provide worldwide a global Social Service Support that improves the results of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The objective of the project

The objective of this project is to assist the efforts of Development Organizations, NGOs, Foundations, local governments, Donators, Charity Organizations, private and public institutions etc. to identify current development issues and development best practices on the ground on real time in helping local communities know and understand which human development challenges and/or frustrations they are facing each day, and make these information and knowledge universally accessible via a central database and useful to development organizations and local and national responsible bodies in order to highlight and alleviate the problems at a community level to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in each corner of the globe.

The goals of the project

1.   To empower  local Citizen without distinction so that they know, understand, play, secure and enforce their roles, responsibilities, and engagements in the achievement of the MDGs and the forthcoming SDGs
  1. To achieve a worldwide network of volunteers who act as the eyes and ears for communities who require development aid assistance.
  2. To provide development organizations and local and national responsible bodies with updated information on critical development issues at the community level.
  3. To assist with the identification of potential economic, social and environmental development issues and simple best practices in each corner worldwide.
  4. To assist development organizations, NGOs, local populations, and local governments as well as the private sector for more effective management and investment in social, economic and environmental problems worldwide.
  5. To support rapid development aid decisions and interventions
  6. To support development budget decisions and transparencies
  7. To support the efforts to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of local vs. international aid worldwide via MDGs and SDGs.


MDGs vs. SDGs are applied to all people (rich and poor) worldwide. We are all concerned directly or indirectly to the achievement and improvement of the assigned development objectives. KFDWB has taken the responsibility to identify current development issues and development best practices on the ground and this make this knowledge available to development organizations and local and national responsible bodies in order to highlight human challenges, recommend best practices and alleviate the problems at a community level.

KFDWB is actively seeking to co-operate with like-minded Human Development institutions, Agencies, Foundations, Universities, New Emerging Development Actors, Research Centers and Private Industries in the Design, Implementation and Funding of innovative Development Aid Support Project that supports the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). KFDWB needs and welcomes institutions and individuals support, assistance, collaboration, cooperation, endorsement throughout the world to attain shared Mission.



Samstag, 23. August 2014

Effective Citizen Participation in Development Cooperation

ITIL ®V3 (IT Service Management)
PRINCE2 ® (Projects in Controlled Environments)
Agile Management Innovations
Business Informatics - Diplom-Ingenieur
Informatikmanagement - Mag. rer. soc. oec
Wirtschaftsinformatik - Bakk.rer. soc. oec
Social Science - DEUG

Give the implemented projects and strategies the local people or they go on demand over? Anyone struggling with the problems and where there may already promising solutions. Who needs to speak with whom to advance an idea?

We have reached a sustainable development era where there is a need of suitable social mechanism support worldwide to connect a global audience to necessary resources while providing a central global support system  to make development issues and best practices available to all, and to translate the available goals, data, information and knowledge into sustainable local best practices” by KFDWB

If Human development is defined as the process of enlarging people’s freedoms and opportunities and improving their social justice, economic and environmental well-being, citizens have to participate, and decide worldwide who to be, what to do, and how to live individual and together to reach social justice, economic and environmental well-being of our lovely planet. 

I think that addressing and resolving Human development challenges only at the academic, political, power leader and development aid level are not enough anymore to reach the Human development objectives in each corner of the globe.

The struggles and upheavals around us and over there are showing that there is a need to create better paths and opportunities for local self-sufficiency, independence and dignity for all worldwide through education, training, housing and other social and environmental Services etc. The paths and opportunities that include more citizens in the human development decisions processes and human development local best practices in each corner of the globe. 

We have reached a sustainable development era where there is a need of suitable social mechanism support worldwide to connect a global audience to necessary resources while providing a system to translate these goals, data, information and knowledge into sustainable local best practices.

Local citizens must be engaged more to address their own human development challenges by  reporting, and/orraising a ticket about the economic, social and environmental problems they are facing so that human development engagements, interventions, researches and resources must be efficiency targeted and focused.

As long as local communities do not know or understand which human development challenges they are facing and try to resolve first these challenges locally, and/or raise a ticket about their problems, challenges, frustrations, etc. that they live with every day of their current existence it will be difficult to help them as foreign Human development aid will still have sociocultural context resistances.....

Development aid support system is a way for local communities, volunteers and Aid Workers to make their joint work accessible to a wider audience. The community is made up of volunteers and Aid workers interested in letting the world and laarge audiences know of the human development situation on the ground, and the best local approaches. 

KFDWB have designed a development aid support system (, which is a novel and practical way for local communities, volunteers and aid workers to inform donor organizations of the actual human development situation on the ground and the best local approaches for reducing the problem.


[1] Citizen participation in Development Aid Support

[2] Development Aid Support Mechanism

Development Aid Support

[4] Publications: papers and books

[5] World Sustainable Building: Knowledge for Development Without Borders, an alternative of a non-profit organization that supports Development Institutions for tracking and monitoring on real time the world´s most complex development challenges?

[6] Why I think about the design of Global Services Support to achieve long-term Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Simple and Good Practices of the MDGs?

[6 Knowledge for Development Template and Workflow for Tracking and Solving the World’s Most Difficult Development Challenges

Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014

Human Development, what it is?

ITIL ®V3 (IT Service Management)
PRINCE2 ® (Projects in Controlled Environments)
Agile Management Innovations
Business Informatics - Diplom-Ingenieur
Informatikmanagement - Mag. rer. soc. oec
Wirtschaftsinformatik - Bakk.rer. soc. oec
Social Science - DEUG

If Human development is defined as the process of enlarging people’s freedoms and opportunities and improving their social justice, economic and environmental well-being, citizens have to participate, and decide worldwide who to be, what to do, and how to live individual and together to reach social justice, economic and environmental well-being of our lovely planet.
I think that addressing and resolving Human development challenges only at the academic, political, power leader and development aid level are not enough anymore to reach the Human development objectives.

The struggles and upheavals around us and over there are showing that there is a need to create better paths and opportunities for local self-sufficiency, independence and dignity for all worldwide through education, training, housing and other social and environmental Services etc. The paths and opportunities that include more citizens in the human development decisions processes and  human development local best practices in each corner of the globe.
In addition, local citizens must be engaged more to address their own human development challenges by  reporting, and/or raising a ticket about the economic, social and environmental problems they are facing so that human development engagements, interventions, researches and resources must be efficiency targeted and focused.
I am thinking here about a young volunteer organization based in Austria, Vienna where I volunteer too. The organization is Development Aid Support mechanism.
This volunteer organization gives every local citizen worldwide the chance to participate in the reporting of the economic, social and environmental problems that their local communities are facing so that development engagements, interventions and resources must be efficiency targeted and focused into the socio-cultural context requirements and the minimum human development existence needs in each corner of our globe.

Development Aid Support Mechanism is an initiative by Knowledge for Development Without Borders (KFDWB), an NGO, based in Vienna, Austria, whose mission is to identify current development issues and development best practices on the ground and to make this knowledge available to development organizations, academics, private sector, and local and national responsible bodies in order to highlight and alleviate the problems at a community level.


I would like to conclude here  that we do not need to point out anybody, any development organizations, any universities, community practices, NGOs, public and private institutions and governments as Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are applied to all people (Rich and poor) worldwide. We have ALL witnessed or been party to the failure of some Millennium Development (MDGs) Goals to achieve their assigned objectives to reach sustainable and worth-living integrated development worldwide.

Local communities may be engaged more in the reporting, and/or raising a ticket about the economic, social and environmental problems they are daily facing so that Human development engagements, researches,  interventions and resources must be efficiency targeted and focused locally.

As long as local communities do not know or understand which human development challenges they are facing and try to resolve first these challenges locally, and/or raise a ticket about their problems, challenges, frustrations, etc. that they live with every day of their current existence it will be difficult to help them as foreign Human development aid will still have sociocultural context resistances.....  

[1] Citizen participation in Development Aid Support

[2] Development Aid Support Mechanism

Development Aid Support
[4] Publications: papers and books

[5] World Sustainable Building: Knowledge for Development Without Borders, an alternative of a non-profit organization that supports Development Institutions for tracking and monitoring on real time the world´s most complex development challenges?

[6] Why I think about the design of Global Services Support to achieve long-term Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Simple and Good Practices of the MDGs?

[6 Knowledge for Development Template and Workflow for Tracking and Solving the World’s Most Difficult Development Challenges