ITIL ®V3 (IT Service Management)
PRINCE2 ® (Projects in Controlled Environments)
Agile Management Innovations
Business Informatics - Diplom-Ingenieur
Informatikmanagement - Mag. rer. soc. oec
Wirtschaftsinformatik - Bakk.rer. soc. oec
Social Science - DEUG
In my recent sample paper on Creating decentralized knowledge management and transfer culture for development
I spoke about "Knowledge Package for Development". In this actual paper
I would like to explain what is this „Knowledge Package for
Development" and how we can produce and distribute the right Knowledge
Package for Development with its right format.
A Knowledge Package for Development is a cross-functional knowledge package within we could distinguish the "business knowledge package" as the "Output" and the
"knowledge for development package" as the
"Outcome". These packages are “Dynamic Packages” and may be fit for the
target sustainable development purpose. Once
produced, these packages must be updated on a regular basis. Each
knowledge package for development has its own characteristics and it may
vary from development sector to another.
The knowledge package for development must be produced through a precise knowledge package business case. This package must be continuous updated through the right sociocultural infrastructures according to the local communities’ knowledge requirement and environment. Typically, failed knowledge management for development initiatives are focused on business knowledge management, knowledge management tools and learning systems while neglecting the other sociocultural aspects of knowledge management.
A Knowledge Package for Development is a cross-functional knowledge package within we could distinguish the "business knowledge package" as the "Output" and the
The knowledge package for development must be produced through a precise knowledge package business case. This package must be continuous updated through the right sociocultural infrastructures according to the local communities’ knowledge requirement and environment. Typically, failed knowledge management for development initiatives are focused on business knowledge management, knowledge management tools and learning systems while neglecting the other sociocultural aspects of knowledge management.
The importance of knowledge package for development
importance of knowledge package for development is to enable secure
knowledge sharing, practical knowledge transferring and knowledge
creation culture between the knowledge producers and knowledge
consumers. In order to make the knowledge for development package´s
culture works in the practice, knowledge organizations must be willing
to share the right knowledge format and
the right knowledge infrastructures with the targeted communities. Each
knowledge package for development should have its own development
The delivery of a right knowledge package format for a development purpose is more than a milestone; it is a process through right knowledge infrastructures, a right knowledge package business case, with deliverables, to successfully implement, to continually support the target Community Knowledge Sharing Station.Knowledge leaders and experts must understand the knowledge for development´s culture both on business case and on public good level (Community level). The communities have their own knowledge norms, resources, potentials, perspectives, and their collective knowledge understandings. The willingness to share and to seek the practical knowledge for development package will be absolute influenced by these collective and individuals’ views. This requires good community based collaboration and participation approaches
The delivery of a right knowledge package format for a development purpose is more than a milestone; it is a process through right knowledge infrastructures, a right knowledge package business case, with deliverables, to successfully implement, to continually support the target Community Knowledge Sharing Station.Knowledge leaders and experts must understand the knowledge for development´s culture both on business case and on public good level (Community level). The communities have their own knowledge norms, resources, potentials, perspectives, and their collective knowledge understandings. The willingness to share and to seek the practical knowledge for development package will be absolute influenced by these collective and individuals’ views. This requires good community based collaboration and participation approaches
major influence to the practical knowledge for development package is
the issue of reciprocity. This refers to the individuals and collectives
knowledge sharing needs. Knowledge for development package is
about getting the right knowledge packages format with the right
knowledge infrastructure to the right communities at the right time and
at the right place. This knowledge package in itself may not seem so
may imply a strong fundament to sustainable development strategy. It
may imply a strong understanding of where and in what formats knowledge
exists. It may imply the creating of knowledge packages business cases
that span sustainable development functions and activities. It
may ensuring that development programs initiatives are integrated,
accepted and supported by knowledge producers and knowledge consumers. Knowledge
packages for development may also include new knowledge creation, new
knowledge infrastructures and new knowledge ideologies. It must solely
focus on knowledge producing, sharing, storage, delivery and using.
knowledge package for development must support non-technical and
technical knowledge infrastructures. Each knowledge package for
development may be: A
public and target good. A non-rivalry good. A no monopole good. A
transferable good. A flexible and adaptable good. A variable good. A
specific good.
public and target good may be: Easy to configure. Easy to integrate
and to assimilate. Easy to assess. Easy to share. Easy to drive and to
promote. Easy to maintain. Fit for sustainable development purpose.
right knowledge package for development should provide the right
strategies and processes to improve the agility, the aligning, and the
performance of the target communities knowledge management and
operations. It must comply with the appropriate technical or
non-technical knowledge management potentials and resources. It must
deliver and support the right knowledge management infrastructures,
transfer and functions. It is very important to underline that knowledge
package for development is more than traditional knowledge management.
overall objective of knowledge package for development is to create
value, to leverage, to improve and to refine the local communities’
knowledge competences and its knowledge assets to meet sustainable
development goals. The implementing of knowledge package for development
required some dimensions. This engages: The right processes, environments, culture, and systems. The right focus, strategy, implementation etc.
flexible development culture. The right systems, tools, and
technologies properly implemented. The support knowledge packages
initiatives. Typically, failed knowledge management for development
initiatives are often focused on business knowledge management,
knowledge management tools and knowledge learning platform while
neglecting the other sociocultural knowledge management aspects.
The definition of knowledge package for development
repeat, a knowledge package for development is a “Dynamic knowledge
package” composed of the "business knowledge" as the "Output" and the
"knowledge for development" as the "Outcome". One important
characteristic of a knowledge package format for development is to be
fit for a sustainable development purpose.
package must be updated on the regular basis through the right
sociocultural infrastructures according to the local communities’
knowledge requirement and environment. A Knowledge package for
development must support the strategies and the practices used within a
community and outside the community to identify, create, represent,
distribute, and enable adoption of local knowledge sharing for
sustainable development programs.
The composition of a knowledge package for development
knowledge package for development must be composed of a business
knowledge management as the "Output" and the "knowledge for development"
as the "Outcome". Knowledge package for development´s design has to
make sense, connect with the target audience in a meaningful way, and
works with business to support development programs. Each knowledge
package for development may contain:
Knowledge package trigger
produce or to adapt a specific knowledge package for development we
need a knowledge trigger. This describes the first reasons and
procedures we need to produce this new or to adapt this specific
knowledge package. This trigger could be one of the Millennium
Development Goals (Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve
universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women,
reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS,
malaria and other diseases, ensure environmental sustainability, develop
a global partnership for development). A knowledge package trigger has
no standard trigger. Each knowledge package trigger depends on its needs
and on its environment.
Knowledge package approach
knowledge package approach describes not only how a knowledge package
will be produced but the way in which it will be done. That is to say
the guidelines, constraints (Infrastructures, money, time, delivery and
support) techniques and non-techniques to be produced, exploited and
supported should be understood and agreed by the knowledge consumers.
The main features of a knowledge package approach are to: Define agile knowledge management structures. Provide system of plans for knowledge resourcing and technical and non-technical issues. Set of knowledge packages control procedures. Focus on practical knowledge products (output, outcome), deliverables to the knowledge consumers.
Knowledge package input
package inputs are factors of knowledge package content production
(business case, investment, resources, encouraging people not to waste
food, cooperative organization, development aids, technical assistances,
capital, technical or non-technical materials, etc.) and the output is
the final knowledge package content or knowledge package service
produced using the factors of knowledge package of production through a
knowledge package production processes.
Knowledge package output
of the knowledge package management’s specialist products. It could be
whether tangible or intangible (knowledge development center, ICT
infrastructures, rural radios, mobile, television, virtual knowledge
platform, books, videos, etc.).
Knowledge package outcome
is what local communities could do differently with the new knowledge
package, for example, sending more children to school or educate their
children more about HIV/AIDS prevention, etc. A knowledge package’s
outcome is the result of the change derived from using the knowledge
package’s outputs.
Knowledge package benefits
knowledge package benefits are the measurable improvements resulting
from the knowledge packages outcome that is perceived as an advantage by
one or more knowledge consumers.
Example of input, output, outcome and benefits
| |
for new knowledge package format or adaptation of existing knowledge
package format and its infrastructures to combat HIV/AIDS in a village.
Assessment to produce a new knowledge package format or to adapt an existing knowledge package format and its infrastructures
to invest in a construction of a knowledge development center to
support the local knowledge management and transfer procedures
development center is constructed and managed by a local knowledge
management committee with support of knowledge management agencies,
local government, NGOs, public, private sector , regional knowledge
management coordination Centre etc.
on HIV/AIDS infection and prevention are offered more quickly and
accurately through videos, storytelling, seminar, theatre, singing,
knowledge sharing etc. in the local language within the knowledge
developments center
HIV/AIDS infections are reduced by 10%, annually
successful knowledge package for development should have a vision that
is accompanied by other new knowledge management strategic planning.
This strategic planning should be a time and data-driven process that
guides decision making, supports knowledge package scope, as well as
knowledge program implementation components such as knowledge package
goal statements, means and infrastructures to accomplish perfect the
knowledge package´s goals, resources and timelines. A
knowledge package for development includes a shared perception of
reality, regarding how things are and how things should be. Furthermore,
community and group culture determine the willingness and conditions
for sharing with other a specific knowledge package.
knowledge package for development encourages a strong leadership that
promotes excellence and equity in knowledge management and transfer.
This encourages projecting, promoting knowledge packages vision. This
encourages garnering and allocating new knowledge resources,
communicating progress and supporting knowledge infrastructures,
programs, services and the activities implemented to achieve the
knowledge package for development’s objectives.
fine knowledge package for development should engage the entire
learning community to take responsibility for the entire knowledge
package for development. This includes carefully defined knowledge
management terms and infrastructures that are known and supported by all
parties. This package may be developed with representation from a wide
variety of publics and private groups. This may promote and drive
resource allocation in the learning.
allows the societal, academic, and organizational components of
knowledge management to operate in a simple manner and to articulate the
learning community's commitment to both excellence and equity in the
knowledge management and sharing organization. This embraces a dual and
courageous mission of creating in each solid and rigorous knowledge
management and sharing achievement and responsibility.
first goal of knowledge development package is to meet and exceed the
knowledge consumers’ expectations, to give knowledge value, and to
provide knowledge access infrastructures to the consumers. It means the
first step of the production of a knowledge package for development is
to provide all parties during the knowledge package business case
production process a clear understanding of what kind of the knowledge
format and the sort of knowledge infrastructures the knowledge consumers
Recognition and appreciation
consumers and producers recognize the performance of the knowledge
package. The achievements are celebrated. The knowledge package
integrates an integral part of the recognition, recommendation and
appreciation. It is important for knowledge consumers and knowledge
producers to establish common principles that apply the fair sharing and
satisfaction to all levels.
consumers become enthusiastic as knowledge package sharing results
become known. They thrust themselves and take the engagements to produce
and to share their own knowledge packages for their own sustainable
development. The local communities receive comprehensive practical
guidance for conducting evaluation and implementing local strategic
knowledge package business approaches to improving the skills and
competence of new and existing knowledge management discipline and
infrastructures, also through collaboration and participation in
different knowledge for development sector.
is clear that effective and consistently reliable production and
delivery in knowledge package for development can be achieved only when
knowledge producers and knowledge consumers have the right knowledge
business cases format with the right support. These conditions could be
quickly established and sustained over time only through a decentralized
knowledge management and transfer culture for development.
Relationships and communications
consumers recognize the importance of the knowledge package within the
knowledge sharing management processes. They can set new standards for
the development and maintenance of knowledge management relationships.
Knowledge producers encourage a climate of open communication, no
monopole, non-rivalry climate, where knowledge consumers have sufficient
trust in each other to express their opinions, thoughts and feelings
without fear to lose any advantage. Knowledge package for development
should encourage, support commitment to collaboration and participation
to achieve its goals.
knowledge package for development may have the following baseline
characteristics. It may have knowledge package business case (To explain
the continuous justification of the knowledge package content) based
(Resources). Output (Knowledge building center, ICT infrastructures,
television, mobile, radios, development center). Outcome (Seminar,
storytelling, education, information, seminar, etc.). Benefits
(Reduction of HIV/AIDS mortalities, augmentation of the children
schooling, etc.).
may have benefits review strategies that allow to: Identify and
describe knowledge package benefits. Describe how knowledge package
benefits can be measured. Plan when knowledge package benefits can be
may have a knowledge based planning technique that allows the:
Description of the knowledge package business case. Breakdown structure
of the knowledge package content. Description of the knowledge package
content. Production of the Knowledge packages flow diagram.
may have knowledge package quality review technique that allows to:
Base line the knowledge package. Assess the knowledge package against it
agreed knowledge package quality criteria. Involve knowledge consumers,
providers, and producers and helps to promote the quality of the
knowledge sharing program. Provide confirmation of the knowledge package
may have knowledge package change review technique that allows to:
Prevent change to base lined knowledge package. Identify. Assess and
control any changes to baseline knowledge package. Monitor knowledge
package content achievements against those planed. Setup knowledge
packages control. The knowledge package business case may be created
through specific steps:
(Develop the knowledge package business case). Verify (Verify the
knowledge package business case). Delivery (Delivery the knowledge
package business case). Confirm (Confirm the knowledge package business
case benefits). Maintain and support (Maintain and Support the knowledge
package business case).
knowledge package business case may provide the following structures:
Provide knowledge package structures (Provide guidelines to follow).
Desirable knowledge package (Determine if the knowledge package is
really needed). Viable knowledge package (Is it possible to be produced?
Are we capable of delivering and supporting the knowledge package?).
Achievable (Is it possible to deliver the benefits content of the
package?). Worth the continued investment (If not, the knowledge package
must be stopped).
knowledge package business case may be based on progress control
(Manage risks and change): Monitoring actual knowledge package business
case against the knowledge package business plan. Reviewing knowledge
package business plans with forecast. Detecting knowledge package
business case problems and identify knowledge package risks. Initiating
corrective action to update and to fix knowledge package business case
(Knowledge package management will give advice). Identification of
knowledge package business risk (Identify and describes risk).
Assessment of the knowledge package business risk (Probability of the
risk and impact on knowledge package business case). Control and manage
the knowledge package business risk (better response to knowledge
package risk).
Finding and producing the right knowledge package format
knowledge package design describes the required resources and what
needs to be done to produce specific knowledge package content. The
knowledge package production´s plan explains how knowledge producers and
consumers are going to do it. The knowledge package business case gives
all the parties (Knowledge consumers and producers etc.) the reasons
why they are producing the knowledge package. The knowledge package
production processes explain how and why the knowledge package must be
produced and maintained. The knowledge package formats vary from
communities to communities and from needs to needs.
of Knowledge package Business Case: the construction of a new knowledge
development center for local knowledge learning and sharing in a
Sample Summary:
government recommends the development and implementation of
knowledge-sharing Centre to allow village to get access and to learn new
knowledge for development and to share this knowledge with local
communities. The local government forecasts to recover the cost of the
project progressive through sponsors, technical assistance, NGOs, local
volunteer activities, hiring the knowledge Centre for international
development congress, seminars, for local development actors, for local
activities like videos productions, local dancing competition,
festivals, cultural activities etc...
Reasons of the production of the knowledge
Lack of the right knowledge management for development and sharing infrastructures. To produce the local knowledge for development formats with its local infrastructures. To integrate and to support new acquired knowledge into the local knowledge´s context. To
make it easier for the local communities to get access at the right
time to the right information and knowledge to manage in a sustainable
manner their local environment. To produce the right knowledge format
and its infrastructures that supports the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs). To
support sustainable development efforts. To reduce the errors the local
communities currently have with incorrect information and knowledge
format. To acquire better knowledge management strategies with minimum efforts.
Expected Benefits
of sustainable knowledge lack into the communities as forecasted in the
analysis and the evaluation document. Augmentation in knowledge
learning and sharing as forecasted in the analysis and the evaluation
document. Prevent loss of existing local knowledge resources and potentials as forecasted in the analysis and the evaluation document. Reduction in errors in the delivery of the right knowledge format as forecasted in the analysis and the evaluation document. Provide
required information and knowledge to drive and promote the local
knowledge and resources management with minimum effort.
Expected Dis-Benefits
communities could teach and share their own knowledge management
concept without ever having to contact regional knowledge Centre
coordination. This may have a negative effect as the local communities
communicate less with their regional knowledge center coordination.
Project time: Long term as mentioned in the project description. Project Start: Starts with Requirements analysis and evaluation document. Project Finish: As mentioned in the analysis and the evaluation document. First Benefit Reviews will be respected as mentioned in the analysis and evaluation document.
costs mentioned in the analysis and the evaluation document. Estimated
yearly maintenance and support as forecasted in the analysis and the
evaluation document. Change budget as mentioned in the analysis and the evaluation document will be guaranteed.
Investment Appraisal
Estimated costs for the project as expected in the analysis and the evaluation document will be available. Estimate
cost to save the Centre management staff per year as expected in the
analysis and the evaluation document will be guaranteed. Estimate
to increase knowledge sharing and learning profit as expected in the
analysis and the evaluation document will be guaranteed. Estimated Return on Investment on long term as forecasted in the analysis and the evaluation document will be guaranteed.
Knowledge provider may not be able to deliver knowledge requirements using their own knowledge format and infrastructures and may need to use more management services. Government may start using similar strategies which will affect the local knowledge development planned benefits. Local communities may not like to use an introduced knowledge format and may insist on sharing via local knowledge sharing infrastructures.
Collaboration and participation
and participation enable to find, produce, deliver and maintain the
right knowledge package for development format as soon as possible
through the direct collaboration and direct participation of the all
parties (knowledge producer, consumers, providers, sponsors, etc.).
this process all parties are working together with consensus to find
the right knowledge package and its infrastructures. The knowledge
providers and the knowledge consumers must interact and exchange
knowledge in the pursuit of finding, sharing a collective knowledge
package. The collaboration and
processes act as the foundation of producing and distributing quickly
the right knowledge package for development format at the right time and
at the right place. Knowledge
consumers and knowledge producers interact, discuss, analyze, share and
form relationships in order to find the right knowledge package format
and infrastructures to better the lives and the developments of the
target community.

collaboration may exist in public institutions, private sector,
communities, every workforce, office, and farm, school, NGOs,
universities in order to find, to produce, to deliver and to maintain in
a record time a specific knowledge package format. For
example, a knowledge producer has its own knowledge package business
case. They must work in cooperation with the target knowledge consumer
to refine the knowledge package business case.
most important aspect in this collaboration work is to detect what
community issues, the knowledge consumers are facing, how they are local
organized (in group, with NGOs, with central government, with
local/regional development agencies etc. ) and how they are trying to
solve those community issues with their local traditional knowledge
management. The
knowledge producer should capture the local existing knowledge
resources and potentials that are available with reference to it
specific knowledge package business case.
knowledge producer must help build on the knowledge and skills already
exist in the community to introduce progressive its knowledge package
content in the local area that enable to produce and to provide the
right knowledge package and its right knowledge infrastructure. This
helps the community knowledge consumer to acquire skills, talents, and
knowledge and to develop its own knowledge package for development that
can be implemented progressive and which can be reviewed and updated on a
regular basis according to the transformation of the local knowledge
requirement and its infrastructures.
packages for development could be changed updated in their capacities
and available local resources and potentials. Collaboration and
participation are extremely critical in the decision making; producing
and coping strategies of respective knowledge packages and their quite
common content that community knowledge consumer are fully understand,
even by the producers themselves.
collaboration and participation could enable rural people to realize
their potentials knowledge package after they have acquired an intimate
new knowledge, skills, talents, and understanding of these introduced
knowledge packages for development strategies in their respective rural
areas. Therefore, it is important to focus on continued interaction
through participatory and collaborative approaches that both accumulates
and disseminates knowledge package within a specific sector.
collaborative working practices could bring practitioners of knowledge
packages for development together inside an existing knowledge
organization and network to enhance their futures knowledge package
business cases and knowledge for development works. This involves
identifying and selecting potential knowledge package collaborators
throughout the sector, understanding the differences and developing
connections between knowledge package for development values, styles,
wants and offers. This
involves creating a knowledge package framework between all knowledge
producers, and sharing parties that outlines what each stakeholder is
expected to contribute in terms of knowledge resources, knowledge
infrastructures, what each knowledge party will gain in terms of reward,
what risks each knowledge party is prepared to take on, and what
responsibilities each knowledge party will have.
involves designing, developing and delivering the mutual goals of the
knowledge package for development. This phase is a critical time when
knowledge parties need to hold the inherent tensions of interest,
conflict and creativity. The collaborative working practices should
ensure that knowledge packages and learning are shared and implemented
as quickly as possible on the right and successful way. This involves
reviewing the collaboration and the participation of all knowledge
producers and knowledge consumers to understand together what worked
well, what didn’t work so well, what new knowledge capabilities have
been created, what new knowledge opportunities have arisen through the
collaboration and the participation process.
evaluation knowledge package aims to objectively and rationally detect
the strengths and weaknesses of its existing knowledge package business
case and to propose new investment, new opportunities and new threats,
new knowledge package resources and infrastructures as presented by the
knowledge package business case´s environment to carry through and
ultimately the prospects for the knowledge package business case´s
its simplest terms, the three criteria to judge feasibility are output,
outcome and the sustainable development Benefits to be attained. The
evaluation is based on an outline design of knowledge package
requirements to determine whether the knowledge consumer has the
technical, non-technical and the knowledge infrastructures expertise to
handle completion of the knowledge package.
requires a well description of the knowledge package business case to
assess more possible factors which could affect the traditional
knowledge resources and potentials. During the evaluation, the local
knowledge infrastructures and resources, the possible knowledge
management problems and the possible solutions to the community problems
are evaluated.
example, this table provides a log frame example to produce a
knowledge package to reduce HIV/AIDS infection in a remote community.
| ||||
Knowledge business case production
Means of
| |
To reduce HIV/AIDS infections in a community
The reduction of the number of infected population
National statistics Data from public, development agencies health and ministry of health departments
| |
To reduce HIV/AIDS infections by 10%, annually.
The number of infected population recorded per annum over 5 years period
Data from hospitals/clinics/ development agencies within the knowledge area
Data from date infection registration
No open opposition from religious or traditional knowledge in the registration process.
The community has access to knowledge packages services
People of reproductive age to use family planning methods effectively
Number of attendees at HIV/AIDS clinic prevention and treatment
Number of HIV/AIDS infections tests carried out
Number using contraceptives
Record number at HIV/AIDS clinic prevention and treatment
Number of requests for treatment
Records are available for baseline data
To collaborate, to participate and to train local communities
To fully equip a HIV/AIDS knowledge infections tests and prevention Centre
To increase the knowledge in supplying and in using of contraceptives
Collaboration and training of local people to be completed within 3 months
Local knowledge Centre, resources , infrastructures and all supplies quantified and costed
Numbers of local people trained and retained
Number of contraceptives issued at HIV/AIDS knowledge and prevention Centre
That trainers are available
Knowledge consumer and producer will be available at the start of the knowledge package production
Table adapted from log frame
knowledge package business case is the driver of the knowledge package
production during the knowledge package evaluation methodology and
during the knowledge package review. The knowledge package business case
is used to decide if the knowledge package content is a worthwhile
allowing any change to the knowledge package business case, knowledge
consumers and the knowledge producers must consider the impact that this
change will have on the knowledge business case. The knowledge package
business case justifies the investment of time, money and resources into
the knowledge package by outlining the benefits that the knowledge
package content will bring to the knowledge producers and the target
community´s knowledge management and transfer.
Participatory evaluation of the knowledge packages business case results
knowledge package for development is a “Dynamic knowledge package” that
may need to be assessed regular for the continuous improvement of the
knowledge package Business case. The regular evaluation of the knowledge
package must be focused on its impact, output, and outcome and on its
activities. This allows all the parties to ensure, support and justify
the continuous knowledge package business case. I would like to
recommend in this paper a participatory evaluation because we are
working with different communities. Participatory evaluation has its
advantages and disadvantages.
This tabke
provides a log frame example to evaluate the results (impact, the outcome,
and the output) of a knowledge package for development.
involvement of the local communities. Less expensive than hiring an external
This process could take
more time
knowledge consumers more control and participation over decision making
may require more coordination and it may be often more challenging to manage
(knowledge consumers and knowledge producers) feel responsible for the
results and are more committed to the success, improvement of the knowledge
may require resources in collaboration, participation evaluation training for
knowledge consumers and the knowledge
and participative process build and strengthen the knowledge consumers and
the knowledge
may require committed and motivated knowledge consumers and knowledge
results are more likely to be acted on
participants turnover at inopportune time would be very disruptive
participants’ knowledge of the knowledge sharing process, skills in
leadership, group decision-making, evaluation and responsibility
adapted from Zukoski and Lulaquisen (2002)
evaluation depends on sector to sector. It is a bottom-up approach to
evaluation that is guided either partially or fully by interested
program participants, staff, board members, and community members.
Participants ask the questions, plan the evaluation design, gather and
analyze data, and determine actions to take based on the results
(Zukoski and Lulaquisen, 2002). Throughout the process, participants'
perspectives are weighted equally to those of the evaluator (Kellogg,
1998)"[MEERA, URL].
participatory evaluation of a knowledge package for development is a
dynamic process that supports the continuous improvement of it knowledge
package business case. The
tableau below provides a log frame example to evaluate the results
(impact, outcome, and output) of a knowledge package for development.
| ||||
Knowledge Package description
| |
Long-term effects and knowledge management’s contribution to overarching goals
How (with which units of measurement) is the impact measured, including the planned quantity, quality and time?
How is the information with regards to the knowledge package collected, when and by whom?
are the actual values of the culture and the local knowledge. They
refer to the (often tacit) views of the community itself (e.g. human
nature, tradition). Again, these assumptions should need to correlate at
least to a certain degree to the espoused knowledge leadership values
for the cooperative organization to function smoothly.
Direct utility and effects of the knowledge package business case for target groups
How (with which units of measurement) is the outcome measured, including planned quantity, quality and time?
As above
If the outcome is achieved, which assumptions must be fulfilled for the project to contribute to the impact?
Concrete products or services provided by the knowledge package
How (with which units of measurement) is the output measured, including planned quantity, quality and time?
As above
If the outputs are achieved, which assumptions must be fulfilled for the knowledge package to contribute to the outcome?
Activities that must be undertaken for the knowledge package content to have the desired outcome
If the activities are carried out which assumptions must be fulfilled for the output to come about?
Tableau adapted from European Commission (2004)
The knowledge package must focus on addressing sustainable development
needs and provides knowledge management exchange and transfer with access to the
right sociocultural infrastructures (soft and physical infrastructures) that
enable to reach and to support the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The ultimate aim of a knowledge package for development is to assist development
organizations to provide knowledge management with easier access to academic and
non-academic know how in the development and improvement of sustainable development
products, processes and services; increasing sustainable development competitiveness
and creating new jobs for the poor people around the world. Development communities must seek to match innovative knowledge for development
ideas from Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) with world leading development research
and sociocultural infrastructures within private and public organizations,
provide efficient funding options for collaborative knowledge for development projects
and encourage the development of a strong cycle of interaction in knowledge
management and transfer.
produce the right knowledge package for development, effective
leadership in knowledge package management for development is required.
Collaboration and participation processes could help to develop and
improve any knowledge package business case and its required
infrastructures. This could enable to achieve quickly the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs).
nature of knowledge for development and its formats are changing. A
knowledge package for development has to be improved from time to time
to be replaced by new one. To face this challenge, new knowledge
management perspectives are needed. Those may focus efforts on
excellence and on delivery suitable knowledge package for development. Kknowledge
package for development must be supported by development agencies,
NGOs, public and private sector, knowledge management’s organization and
knowledge research organizations.
justification and business case for undertaking a new knowledge package
for development initiatives could be difficult and complex. The primary
reason for this difficulty could be the lack of understanding of the
relationship between the local knowledge management resources,
potentials that could affect the knowledge package business case
processes and its outcomes. However, by following the knowledge package
for development strategies and the characteristics of a knowledge
package business case that I describe in this paper, it is possible to
establish quickly a knowledge package for a specific development
purpose. The local knowledge capacities and resources could then
determine a value to the input of this knowledge package, and ultimately
associating this with the output, outcome and the benefits expected.
knowledge management process in development efforts is a challenge to
achieve successful any knowledge package for development.
Author, Amouzou Bedi, sample paper, contact on linkedin.
I will try to update this paper on a regular basis if a need arises.
Please If you requires an explanation, or you have a suggestion and
feedback with regards to this paper, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you in advance for your collaboration.
[Amouzou Bedi] Creating decentralized knowledge management and transfer culture for development
[Amouzou Bedi] La coopération agile au développement, book french édition
Bedi] La vie privée et sociale des plus pauvres: indicatrices
pertinentes dans les processus d´évaluation des projets de développement
(publication en cours)
[Prince2, URL] Prince2
[Photo, URL] T h o m a s G a b a t h u l e r
[ZEWO, URL] Logical Framework Approach
[ZEWO, URL] Logical Framework Approach
[IACD, URL] community_meeting_green_africa_0.jpg
International Association for Community Development
Thank you for this information...your ideas and thoughts regarding development are most interesting sir.
AntwortenLöschenThank you Mr Cam